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Sami Swoi Radio - We connect Poles in the UK and Ireland

We present to you a Polish radio station, which is undoubtedly the largest project in the history of Polish media in Great Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland – Sami Swoi Radio. Sami Swoi Radio belongs to the 1MM Media group, which includes Sami Swoi Magazine – the most popular free Polish monthly available in London and many Polish centers, and the Sami Swoi News portal, which reaches several thousand people a day with news. In addition to its widest reach, Sami Swoi Radio is distinguished by a professional team of people who worked in the largest Polish radio stations. Thanks to this, our listeners receive a handful of important, reliable information and great music.

1MM Media has enjoyed the trust of the Polish community for over 19 years. We are developing and creating new projects. Therefore, we decided to create another platform that will connect Poles in Great Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Our goal was to create a Polish radio station that would have the widest reach compared to others. We succeeded! Thanks to public opinion, we know that it was a good decision. Sami Swoi Radio started broadcasting a house party via the Internet on New Year's Eve. Over 5,000 Poles took part in this event. Since then, we have been broadcasting for you non-stop!

Sami Swoi Radio is available from DAB+ transmitters in London, Surrey, Sussex, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. You can listen to us via the Sami Swoi Radio mobile app available for Android and iOS. We also invite you to our website . You can also find Sami Swoi Radio using global platforms dedicated to internet radio: TuneIn, My Tuner Radio, Radio - UK, Radio.PL, Zeno.FM, Radio Garden Live, as well as from smart speakers: Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

Meet our team

Lukasz Zalewski

Radio Manager

Od kiedy tylko pamiętam, radio w moim życiu zawsze było na pierwszym miejscu. Początkowo była to z trudem odbierana “Trójka” na radiomagnetofonie “Wilga”, później pojawiły się pierwsze próby nadawczo-odbiorcze dzięki “walkie-talkie”, własne radio pirackie i w końcu możliwość pojawienia się przed mikrofonem w profesjonalnej rozgłośni. Było to w 1994 roku w Radiu “W”. Potem były: Radio HIT, Brawo, Radio Plus, WAWA. Po przylocie do Londynu współtworzyłem PRL, współpracowałem również z Orla FM. W Sami Swoi Radio odpowiadam za produkt końcowy jakim jest program naszej stacji. Dbam o zaplecze techniczne oraz o to aby muzyka płynąca z naszej anteny odpowiadała na potrzeby słuchaczy. e-mail:

Tomek Achtelik


Hello! 🙂 My name is Tomek Atom Achtelik and I am hosting the “Popołudniowy Express” for you on Sami Swoi Radio. Every day from Monday to Friday from 2:00 to 6:00 PM we are racing our crazy train around the country, the world and the universe in search of interesting topics and cool music. I invite you to contact me by e-mail in any matter. Greetings and see you soon – Atom


Witek Lazar



Positive Morning with Łukasz Zalewski. Every morning Łukasz prepares listeners for the whole day with the best mix of news, good energy and favorite hits from the 90s to today.

10:00 – 14:00

Południk Zero – Witek Lazar invites you. Optimistic and energetic, Witek helps our listeners during a busy day with his friendly voice and great selection of music.

14:00 – 18:00

Afternoon Express – Tomek (Atom) Achtelik. Tomek keeps up the good vibes, in the afternoon expect the best music, lots of laughter.

18:00 – 19:00

Super Nove Sami Swoi Radio – The latest hits of the week – one by one.

19:00 – 00:00

Good Evening with Sami Swoi Radio – A hit zone where we play positively for all those who decided to spend… Good Evening with us 🙂

Every day from Monday to Thursday after 7:00 PM we will play a lot of new and proven hits. It is also a chance to hear your favorite hit on our air. We will gladly play it for you, all you have to do is write us the title of the song.

News on Sami Swoi Radio: Poland and the World every hour from 5:00 to 22:00 (Mon. - Fri.). Weekends every hour from 5:00 to 20:00 (Sat. - Sun.)

News from Great Britain and Ireland: every hour from 6:30 to 17:30 (Monday - Friday). Jakub Górski invites you.

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